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The National Health Insurance Bureau responded that Pfizer COVID-19's therapeutic drugs were not in

Time:2023-01-12 14:15:12  Source:  Author:


For Pfizer's Paxlovid production failed to enter the medical insurance directory through medical insurance negotiations, Huang Xinyu, Deputy Director of the Department of Medical Services Management of the National Medical Insurance Bureau, said in Beijing on the 11th that although Paxlovid failed to negotiate successfully this time, according to the current COVID-19 drug reimbursement policy, Paxlovid could still be sold temporarily until March 31, 2023. In addition, there are more than 600 kinds of COVID-19 symptomatic drugs in the current version of the medical insurance directory, and the medical insurance drug varieties are relatively rich.

On the 11th, the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control in key institutions and key places.

Huang Xinyu said that the National Health Insurance Bureau attached great importance to the issue of drug security for COVID-19 treatment. At the beginning of the epidemic in 2020, the National Health Insurance Bureau timely introduced the "two guarantees" COVID-19 cost guarantee policy, and temporarily included the off catalog drugs in the COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment plan into the medical insurance payment scope. We will follow up with the update of the diagnosis and treatment plan.

Huang Xinyu said that in the just concluded negotiation on the medical insurance catalogue in 2022, there were three kinds of COVID-19 drugs involved in the negotiation, among which Azovudine tablets and Qingfei Paidu granules were successfully negotiated. Although Paxlovid failed to negotiate successfully this time, according to the current reimbursement policy of COVID-19 Medicine, Paxlovid can still be temporarily reimbursed until March 31, 2023.

He said that with the change of the epidemic situation, the Notice on Optimizing the Medical Security Policies for Treatment Expenses of Patients with novel coronavirus Infection after the Implementation of "Class B and Class B Management" jointly issued by the National Health Insurance Bureau and relevant departments continued the temporary reimbursement policy for COVID-19's treatment drugs out of the directory, and paid in advance until March 31, 2023, during which the reimbursement of patients' drugs would not be affected.

"In addition, there are more than 600 kinds of COVID-19 symptomatic drugs in the current version of the medical insurance catalogue, which should be said that the medical insurance drugs are relatively rich," Huang Xinyu said.

According to media reports, there are also some other COVID-19 treatment drugs on the market recently. Huang Xinyu said that he believed that with the increase of new drugs coming into the market, the security level and ability of COVID-19 will be steadily improved. In the next step, we will continue to strengthen the price monitoring and management of COVID-19's therapeutic drugs, reduce the economic burden of patients, and do our best to ensure the related costs.

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